Thursday, October 5, 2023

the wind and the rain - 24. the contest

by nick nelson

part 24 of ?

for previous episode, click here

to begin at the beginning, click here

so, what do you think of my story so far?

i think it is pretty stupid and boring.

would you like to continue it?

you mean do i want to hear more of it?

no, i mean do you want to keep writing it.

you mean, write it instead of you?

yes, exactly.

why would i want to do that?

you said you wanted to play a game.

i did?

i asked you if you wanted to play a game and you did not say you did not.

so if i write some more of your story that is a game?


what are the rules? who will decide who wins?

we will go back and forth and when we are finished we will ask the impeccably dressed miss johnson to decide whose contributions are the best.

that sounds dumb, besides, she will favor you because you are a girl.

you are just afraid i will beat you.

i am not.

all right then, play up and play the game, just like in the old days when men were men.

all right, but i still think it is dumb.

look here, i will give you a start. here is a list of thirteen words. you can use any or all of them in your story.

and what might they be?

they are apocalyptic beneficent contemplative delimiting exhaustive fulminating gregarious happenstance inflammatory judicious kaleidoscopic lilliputian and magnanimous.

those are big words.

they are meant to be. what is the matter, do you not know what they mean?

i know what they mean!

then use them. and if you do, i have thirteen more just as big where those came from.


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