Tuesday, October 3, 2023

the wind and the rain - 22. the bird

by nick nelson

part 22 of ?

for previous episode, click here

to begin at the beginning, click here



why don’t you look at me when you say hello?

i would rather look out the window,

why is that?

because looking out the window at the sky and the grass and the trees reminds of the good times i used to have with bucky, my only true friend and the only creature who understands me.

do you have to spend every waking hour with bucky? i was given to understand that he is still your friend, they just want me to be your friend too.

a bird just settled on the branch of the tree. how i wish i could be as free as it!

you are being trained to rule the world, if all goes as planned, the day will come when you can delegate all your authority to underlings, human, animal, or machine, and sit and look at the birds ib the trees all day.

i can hrdly wait.

meanwhile, would you like to play a game?

jack sighed. what game?

what game would you like?

let us see who can stand on one leg the longest.

that does not sound like much of a game for the future ruler of the world. i have written a story. would you like to hear it?

if you insist. as the future ruler of the world i must learn to be gracious, and i suppose this is as good a way as any to start.

thank you. jill reached into the large pink handbag stting on the floor beside her chair and took out a black and white covered ruled notebook.

outside, the sun cintinued to shine, but the bird in the tree had flown away.


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