Wednesday, September 13, 2023

the wind and the rain - 2. the road

by nick nelson

part 2 of ?

for previous episode, click here

to begin at the beginning, click here

grover left joe behind at the crossroads and drove on down the road feeling sad.

he had missed his chance - again!

he had so much to say and joe looked like a guy who would at least listen politely because he was grateful for the ride.

but then joe had fallen asleep and all the things that had been welling up inside grover gradually subsided and there was nothing but the road unrolling in front of him in the night.

he was not sure where joe had said he wanted to be left off, but he picked a good spot and woke joe up and joe dod not argue but just got out of the truck and grover left him behind.

oh, well, grover thought, better luck next time.


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