Friday, September 29, 2023

the wind and the rain - 18. the book

by nick nelson

part 18 of ?

for previous episode, click here

to begin at the beginning, click here

the cat, the dog, and the bear looked up at the apple.

they all wanted to eat it.

the elephant came along,

it wanted to eat the apple too, so it just did, with one gulp.

the cat, the dog, and the bear waited for another apple to grow.

when the new apple finally grew, the fox came along.

climb the tree, the fox said to the cat, and knock the apple down so we can all have a bite.

the cat climbed the tree and knocked the apple down to the ground.

the fox grabbed the apple and ran away into the woods.

the dog ran after it but could not catch it and it disappeared into the undergrowth.

the dog returned to the tree.

the tree had stopped growing apples and grown a banana instead.

the cat, the dog, and the bear were sad because they liked apples better than bananas.

the cat and the dog went away but the bear decided to give the banana a chance.

the bear waited for the banana to fall off the tree.

the gorilla and the hippo came along.

the gorilla liked bananas.

it climbed the tree and ate the banana.

i should have though of that, the bear said.

the gorilla and the hippo laughed at the bear.

i need some new friends, the bear said.


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