Tuesday, October 24, 2023

the wind and the rain - 29. the hitchhiker

by nick nelson

part 29 of ?

for previous episode, click here

to begin at the beginning, click here

a dark night.

an empty road. a five year old black toyota.

briggs is driving. he needs a shave.

constance johnson, stylish as ever, sits beside him in the front passenger seat.

jack and jill sit quietly in the back.

they drive along.


it is raining.

a hitchhiker appears.

briggs passes the hitchhiker by.

none of the three passengers comments on the hitchhiker or the fact that briggs passes him by.

the toyota proceeds down the road.

the rain gets heavier.

jack asks if briggs has lost his way.

constance johnson and briggs both assure him that they are on the right road.

how can you tell if you can’t see it?

i can see it, says briggs.

and there is no other road, constance adds.

the road gets narrower and the night gets darker

jill says, i think i see something ahead.

jack replies - at last!

suddenly a building appears - an abandoned barn.

briggs says, i think we should push on.

no, constance replies quietly, i think we should stop a while

they stop.


fade out


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